Posted by Gregg Potts

Several years ago when I was pastor of a church in Lincoln county, Mississippi a lady who was our Sunday School director told me one week that she and her family were going to be out the next Sunday. She then explained that her oldest was a senior and it was going to begin getting more and more difficult for their family to get everyone together. So, the family was going to New Orleans.
I was young and full of legalism and I admit, I was aggravated.
However, after almost 20 years, I now see where she was coming from. Our oldest son is 20. The next is 17 and our daughter is 14. We are getting to ready to leave for Florida for a few days vacation and, our oldest can't go because of his work schedule. It frustrates me. A little bit of me is empty because our whole bunch is not going to be together.
I now see what the lady was trying to tell me 20 years ago.
So, make sure you spend time with your family. There will come a time when you can't get them all together.


Posted by Gregg Potts

I'm cutting back.
Throwing away...
Let me explain.
I love to read and as a pastor, I'm always looking for a good, new, fresh illustration (stories) to really top a sermon off. Because of that, over the course of my ministry I've subscribed to magazines and purchased books. The only problem is, I've had too many coming in. They pile up beside my chair. When we go on a trip, I would put them in a box and plan to go through them while we drove. And I went through many of them. But I never got through them all.
For years this has been somewhat of a sore spot w/my wife but she has always been patient and basically said nothing until the stack would get too large and she would demand action. Recently, I started taking action on my own. I've cancelled some thing, thrown away some things and it feels good. In business, it's called streamlining.
Do you need to streamline your life? Do you need to eliminate some things?
People are extremely busy today. I mean, we're always "running in a store" or hurriedly making a stop at a convenience store. It's almost like we take pride in being busy. But, is that the way God wants us to live? I don't think so.
I'm trying to cut back. Jesus said "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all of His righteousness and all these other things will be added unto you" (Matt. 6:33).
Put the Lord first and allow Him to streamline your life.


Posted by Gregg Potts

Who am I?
That's a question that lots of people seem to be asking.
In an attempt to answer it, people spend money on clothes to try to project a certain image. Or, they purchase a new automobile to attempt to do the same. Or, they try to keep up with their neighbors and spend money they don't need to.
All of this is done in an attempt to be someone or act like someone that we admire. And through all of that, we never find out who we are.
Who are you?
First, you are a child of the king of kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ.
Second, you are loved by the Lord Jesus.
Third, you are gifted by the Lord Jesus. That means you have been given a certain set of spiritual gifts. God wants you to use those gifts for His glory.
Fourth, you are called by the king. In the book of Acts, the Bible says that God called Saul to be a missionary to the Gentiles. God has called each one of us as well.
So, who are you? That's a key "life" question for most of us. Ask the Lord to reveal to you who you are... what your giftedness is, etc... and be who the Lord called you to be.


Posted by Gregg Potts

Last Friday I had an excellent day. Well, I've had some good days since then as well but that day was a particularly good day.
I was talking to Holli Friday morning and we were discussing Robert. I had just told Holli that I felt disconnected from Robert and that I didn't see him much. I know, it gets worse the older they get.
Well, about the time he comes up the stairs from his room and says that the boys who were supposed to be playing golf with him backed out so, he was trying to decide what to do. Immediately I thought, "Here's your chance. You've felt disconnected from him well, here's your chance to spend a day with him."
I thought about it for a few minutes and decided to go with him. I did have some other things I needed to do but I knew that all of it could wait another day. So, I played golf with my oldest son.
We had a blast. I felt like I got reconnected with him. Robert is a good golfer. He played on his high school golf team. I felt a sense of pride as I watched him gradually get better the longer we played.
Then, after finishing a round of golf, I took Will, my middle son, and a couple of his friends to see the Rome Braves play. We had a great time.
When I got home Friday night I was beat but, I had invested a day in my two sons. You can't beat that.
Thank you, Lord, for giving me three great kids. Thank you that each one is a Christian and trying to follow you.


Posted by Gregg Potts

I watched the MLB All-star game last night. Well, I watched it through the 7th inning. It was 11:00 then which is past when I want to go to bed so, I gave it up. The AL was winning when I went to bed and they hung on for the final two innings.
I enjoy watching the All-star game. I really enjoy the pageantry. Last night, prior to the game, there was a huge salute to the "say hey" kid, Willie Mays. The television announcer said "if he wasn't the greatest, he was one of the greatest to ever play the game." That's a strong statement.
I get goose bumps every time I see a tribute like that. There were the pictures on the jumbo tron then, Willie Mays made his entrance walking between the players on the AL and NL all-star teams. It was neat seeing a "former great" of the game walking among the stars of today.
I wish we had more moments like that. We need to recognize people, encourage people. There is an old saying "give someone their roses while they are living."
Is there someone today that you need to say a word of encouragement to? Send someone an email. Offer to buy them lunch. Give them a call. Write them a note but by all means, do something to offer encouragement and express appreciation.


Posted by Gregg Potts

In my post yesterday (7.09.07) I mentioned that one of the highlights of my trip to the coast last week was getting a fresh supply of Community coffee. Someone asked me what was so special about Community coffee. I mean, in a world that has gone crazy over Starbucks, what's so special about Community?
It's strong. I like strong coffee. Maybe that's the "Louisiana" in me. Louisianian's are known for enjoying "strong" coffee.
It has some "bite" in it. I'm not real sure what gives it the "bite" taste but there is only one other coffee that I have had that is similar and that is Hill and Brooks coffee.
I like the bag. No kidding. No, the bag doesn't make it taste any better but I like the "red bag" it comes in. It's got the picture of the antebellum home on the front. The bag makes it look like it ought to be good, strong coffee. lol
It reminds me of home. I hadn't thought about this until I started writing but every time I purchase a bag or bags of community coffee, I'm reminded of home. Maybe that's weird but it's true.
If you have ever lived away from the place you call "home", when you make trips back "home" there maybe a restaurant, or a store, or a place on the beach or a spot in the woods that you enjoy going to that is a favorite spot. Community coffee is like that for me.
Well, there it is... a theological treatise on why I like Community coffee. Now, I think I'll have a cup!
P.S. If you think about it, drop me a line at and let me know if you are a coffee drinker and if so, what brand you prefer.


Posted by Gregg Potts

I really had a good week last week.
We went to the Mississippi gulf coast to get away a few days. We ate some seafood, saw some friends and just "chilled" for a few days. I needed it. The month of June had been exceptionally busy so I was a tad bit tired.
The only regret from last week is that I didn't get to see more people. I just needed to hibernate and I did.
On our return trip home on Friday we even got to see my parents which topped everything off.
Then, I went in a Wal Mart and loaded up with a fresh supply of Community coffee. I even picked up some Zapps potato chips for the kids.
There are three weeks left before school kicks in again. I'm looking forward to three good weeks before get back in "busy" mode.


Posted by Gregg Potts

In an earlier post this week I wrote that we were visiting the Mississippi gulf coast and "reconnecting" some. One of the things I really look forward to in coming to the coast is eating seafood. I have had two opportunities thus far. I feel like "Bubba Gump"... I'm enjoying fried shrimp, broiled shrimp, etc... lol

We have had an opportunity to visit with some friends and the kids have as well. It's been a good trip. The only downside is we can't see everyone we would like to see.

A little quote from "Shrek"; last night we watched Shrek I. On one occasion Shrek says "people judge me before they even know me." That's pretty good. Shrek's right. We often judge people before we get to know them. Today, be careful not to judge others. Try to love people as Jesus would.


Posted by Gregg Potts

This post may ramble some today. I have thoughts but they are not necessarily all together.

I'm not totally sure all that means but I'm doing some of it this week.
We lived on the Mississippi gulf coast for 12 years. Our kids spent a big portion of their lives here. We have some very good memories from the coast. Last night we dropped our daughter off to spend a few days with one of her friends. We dropped her off at the softball fields. I walked around and remembered all the softball games Sarah played here. We have lots and lots of good memories there. We have friends here. Last night we got to visit with a few folks that we knew from our involvement in kids sports when we lived here.
Our kids have for the past couple of years enjoyed coming to the coast about once a year to see their old friends and just see what's changed. We drive around and look at the area. Of course, lots of things changed after Katrina.
We drove to the coast yesterday. Sarah is spending some time with some friends and Will is doing the same. Robert couldn't come. He has to work this week because he went on vacation with his girlfriend's family last week.
Holli and I will rest some, ride around some, see a few people, eat some seafood and I will take back a fresh supply of Community coffee. I might even take back some shrimp if I can convince my wife. lol The down side of something like this is we can't see everyone we would like to see. There's not enough time.
I need to reconnect periodically. I'm not sure why but I do.
Maybe it's remembering our roots. Maybe it's re-visiting the familiar. Not sure. But I need it.
You probably do as well. This week is a holiday week. Take some time and re-connect with someone.


Posted by Gregg Potts

What are we willing to do to accomplish something great? Any time anything great is accomplished there is normally an individual or a group of people who are willing to sacrifice and work toward a common goal. Such was the case with the American Revolution which led to the birth of our nation.
This Wednesday we will celebrate our nation’s birth. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed declaring the intent of the colonies to be free from the tyranny of England.
But that Declaration didn’t just happen. Events had been unfolding for some time that led to this moment. One of those events took place in the Virginia House of Burgesses on March 23, 1775.
There, Patrick Henry urged the legislature to take military action against the encroaching British military force. The House was deeply divided, but was very much leaning toward not committing troops. As Henry stood in Saint John’s Church in Richmond, Virginia, he ended his speech with his most famous words: Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!
The crowd jumped up and shouted "To Arms! To Arms!". This speech is credited by some with single-handedly delivering the Virginia troops to the Revolutionary War.
“Give me liberty or give me death!”
Patrick Henry wanted liberty so much he was willing to die if necessary. He declared that he would rather die in a quest for freedom than live in slavery. He wasn’t alone.
Our founding fathers shared the same passion for freedom. It was a passion that moved them and led them to take up arms in a battle for freedom.
Benjamin Franklin reportedly said as he signed the Declaration, “We must all hang together or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” He wasn’t kidding. He knew that if the revolution failed, the signers of the Declaration would be tried and convicted of treason. But, Franklin and others were willing to pay that price for freedom.
Great causes and great projects require great commitment and sacrifice. Let’s thank the Lord for the freedom we enjoy as Americans and for those who sacrificed for our freedom.