Posted by Gregg Potts

A "blog" is short for a "weblog." In a "weblog" you record your thoughts on various things. Today is a day when I am going to open up the door to my soul just a little and allow you to peer in. It's a bit dangerous because doing so opens you up for all kinds of response. But, I'm going to give it a try. I will be curious to know if anyone else has some of the experiences I have.
I'm going through "withdrawals."
In fact, most of my life I've experienced "withdrawals."
And no, it has nothing to do with substance abuse.
I can remember experiencing withdrawals following the Christmas holidays. When I was kid and for several years, as an adult, I really, really, really looked forward to Christmas. I mean, I loved it. I loved the music, the color, the festivities, the television specials, etc.. And, when Christmas was over, I would have a day or two when I was down. I have since learned that lots of people experience this. It has something to do with the fact that you are so busy for a short period of time and all of a sudden, the season is over! That experience can cause you to get a little down.
Then, I started experiencing it following sports seasons. I looked forward to college football season so much, it was a little depressing when the last game was played. I felt the same with basketball season and then, baseball season. I can remember thinking, after the College World Series was played that there would be no college athletic events until September. That was two whole months! I would get a little down thinking about that.
Well, I'm experiencing some withdrawals now that high school baseball season is over. After our final game Wednesday night, when I parked my truck that night it hit me, "baseball season is over." Baseball practice started back in February. So, for three months, high school baseball has been a significiant part of our lives. Now, it's over for a couple of weeks... until the beginning of summer ball.
I felt this way following high school football season. After the final game of the year, I can remember thinking, "It's over for another year."
When our kids played Dixie Youth baseball and Dixie softball I can remember experiencing some of this because there were people we saw more during baseball and softball season than any other time of the year. Now that the season was over, we wouldn't see each other nearly as much for a while.
I guess I'm too sentimental. I have a tendency to walk to "hang on to moments."
Someone reading this will probably think something like "if you struggle that much with getting over ball season that means you need to get a life." They are probably at least partially right. Still, the withdrawal experience exists.
So what do I do? How do you deal with it?
First, time has a way of handling these issues. In a few days I will be all right. It just takes me a little time.
Second, you move on to something else. Yesterday, I wrote about "seasons" in life. A "season", by definition is a period of time. So, a "season" isn't intended to go on forever. It's a "season". So, one "season" end and you move on to another "season."
Third, we keep our focus on the Lord. The Scriptures tell us, "Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever" (Heb. 13:8).
There are different seasons in life. But the Lord remains the same.
I encourage you to worship the Lord in the church of your choice this Sunday.

This entry was posted on 04 May 2007 at Friday, May 04, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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