Posted by Gregg Potts

Last week was an exceptionally busy week for me.
It started with preparation to host two days of a high school baseball tournament held in our area. We spent quite a bit of time trying to get the field ready for the tournament.
Then, there were the actual games for the tournament.
Then, I had two weddings on Saturday.
And on top of that, our oldest church member passed away this past week and we had that funeral on Friday.
So, it was a super busy week.
But I learned a lot during this.
First, I learned that you can get a lot done when you have lots of folks involved. There were several people who stepped up to help out with the baseball tournament who really did a great job.
Second, I learned that at times, you need to say "know." I have a difficult time doing that. I always have. I want everyone to be happy. I didn't realize I had two weddings planned for the same day until about two months ago. By then, I couldn't really do anything about them. I found myself thinking, "I won't do this again."
Third, I learned that sometimes, you are just going to be extremely busy. During this extremely busy stretch of time I found myself thinking, "I'm not doing this again." But then, I thought, "I can't say that. It could happen again." Sometimes you are just going to be very busy.
Finally, the Lord gives you strength. When I left our baseball field on Saturday night, I was whipped. Then, I needed to go home and go over my sermon. But I was too tired.l Sunday morning, I asked the Lord to give me strength to preach two messages. As always, the Lord provided.
So, the Lord taught me some things during this time. I don't want to be that busy again for a few weeks or possibly even months but, the Lord used this one time to teach me a lot.

This entry was posted on 11 June 2007 at Monday, June 11, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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