Posted by Gregg Potts

I guess I would be described as a "people person." I normally don't meet many strangers. At least, they aren't a stranger for long. And, when I meet someone, Holli tells me I warm up quick. I become "instant buds" with people who ten minutes prior were strangers. I don't know if that's good or not but it's pretty close to accurate. lol
And, I have a tendency to be a "back slapper." Maybe I was supposed to be a politican. It is natural for me in shaking someone's hand to touch/slap them on the back. Some say I have given people back problems with may hard slaps on the back (I don't think they are but I've been told they are). I have noticed that when I shake the hands of some people who know me well they draw up in the area of their shoulders anticipating my back slap. lol Holli especially cautions me to be careful with the elderly.
I have always enjoyed meeting new people and getting to know them.
Recently, I met a guy in the gym who once played football for North Carolina State. We talked about some of their former coaches and players. I enjoy talking sports with anyone.
And, I met a guy at the gas pump who is an LSU fan. He had more LSU gear on than I have ever had. We talked and I discovered that he has a daugther in the band.
During summer baseball I have enjoyed getting to know some new people. In fact, thus far this year, that's probably been one of the highlights of the summer for me. I have met some new people and made some new friends.
There are 6 billion people on this earth. And, Jesus died for each one of them. God's plan is for those of us who have asked Jesus to forgive us of our sins to share the love of God with others. In order to do that, we have to meet new people. We don't need to stay in our same circle.
I encourage you today to meet someone new. Force yourself to meet someone new. Try to build a relationship with them and eventually, try to share the love of Christ with them. In doing so, you will have the privilege of leading some to Christ and making some new friends as well.

This entry was posted on 28 June 2007 at Thursday, June 28, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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