Posted by Gregg Potts

Who am I?
That's a question that lots of people seem to be asking.
In an attempt to answer it, people spend money on clothes to try to project a certain image. Or, they purchase a new automobile to attempt to do the same. Or, they try to keep up with their neighbors and spend money they don't need to.
All of this is done in an attempt to be someone or act like someone that we admire. And through all of that, we never find out who we are.
Who are you?
First, you are a child of the king of kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ.
Second, you are loved by the Lord Jesus.
Third, you are gifted by the Lord Jesus. That means you have been given a certain set of spiritual gifts. God wants you to use those gifts for His glory.
Fourth, you are called by the king. In the book of Acts, the Bible says that God called Saul to be a missionary to the Gentiles. God has called each one of us as well.
So, who are you? That's a key "life" question for most of us. Ask the Lord to reveal to you who you are... what your giftedness is, etc... and be who the Lord called you to be.

This entry was posted on 18 July 2007 at Wednesday, July 18, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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