Posted by Gregg Potts

This Sunday is graduate recognition day in our church. It is always an exciting day for the graduates, their families and the entire church. As a graduate is recognized, some church members who taught them Sunday School, or volunteered in the youth department or coached them in sports will remember when the graduate was a just a child and they will feel a sense of pride that the "little boy" or "little girl" has grown up into a fine young man or young lady.
My sermon Sunday will focus on "How To Be A Successful Person." Most of those who graduate will think that success is making lots of money. They will believe that because that's what the culture they live in values and believes.
But years ago, comedian Richard Pryor made a statement that reminds us that money isn't everything. Pryor was critically burned in an accident in 1980. Later, he appeared on the Johnny Carson Show. During that appearance he insisted that when you are seriously ill, money isn't important. "All that I could think of was to call on God. I didn't call the Bank of America once."
Sucess in life is not about money. Money is definitely nice to have but if all a person has is money they will likely live an empty life.
Jesus said "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you" (Matt. 6:33).

This entry was posted on 18 May 2007 at Friday, May 18, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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